[Lyrics Translation] “Leja Bulelà” by Tshanda Sangwa

The lyrics follow. There is only one actual verse repeated several times and the chorus is only one line. What fills in are the dedications or mabanga. This is an extremely common phenomenon in Congolese music. They are not lyrics as per say but names that would be listed. They generally praise the dead, the hero, the cultural icon, the celebrity but even you , as a ”normal” person, can have your name recorded by a famous singer. In exchange of whatever present, or upon a simple request, the singer will praise your name in their next hit song… So don’t be confused… A good part of the lyrics here are made of dedications which I won’t translate. Some Congolese artists don’t put dedications in their songs. This phenomenon is really common but it also depends on the type of music…
The special effects are very basic but this video is also interesting for the traditional ornament and clothing it shows. These are typically Kasayan clothing. You can also try to get some move of the traditional Kasayan dance, Mutuashi!!! hehe This said, enjoy!


Que la vérité éclate/montre la vérité
Let the truth come out/show the truth

Mema musamba cii ne bwalu
Je suis calme et tranquille
I am calm and quiet

Beena buloji benda bajana
Les malfaisants (=les sorciers) continuent à me harceler
The bad keep on harassing me

Moyi wà munda udi usàma
Tellement j’ai mal au coeur
My heart is in so much pain

Leja bulelà bwà ditùnga edi ooo
Fais éclater la vérité dans ce pays
Let the truth come out in this country

Leja bulelà, leja bulelà bwà ditùnga edi (x2)

(Various lyrics among dedications)

Ikalayi bònsu nku nnyimà wa Tshanda
Soyez tous derrière Tshanda
Be all supportive of Tshanda

Mwelayi dibòku muulu
Levez-lui le bras
Raise his arm (in sign of victory)

Kampingani kungima to
Qu’il ne recule pas
May it not back down

Ikala àmu uya kumpàla
Qu’il aille de l’avant
May it forge ahead

Tshanda, mwâna wa meeji, aya amu kumpala
Tshanda, l’enfant doué, qu’il aille de l’avant
Tshanda, the bright child, may he go forward

Kwata maja! ambulula!
Leja kune kulela