[Conjugation] Future Tense III

Here are four new verbs to study…

aller/to go
danser/to dance
acheter/to buy
vendre/to sell
ne nyè
ne wuyè
tu iras
ne àyè
elle ira
ne tuyè
nous irons
ne nuyè
vous irez
ne bayè
elles iront
je danserai
n ewujè
tu danseras
ne àjè
elle dansera
ne tujè
nous danserons
ne nujè
vous danserez
ne bajè
elles danseront
ne sùmbè
ne wusùmbè
tu achèteras
ne àsùmbè
elle achètera
ne tusùmbè
nous acheterons
ne nusùmbè
vous acheterez
ne basùmbè
elles achèteront
ne mpàànyishè
je vendrai
n ewupàànyishè
tu vendras
ne àpàànyishè
elle vendra
ne tupàànyishè
nous vendrons
ne nupàànyishè
vous vendrez
ne bapàànyishè
elles vendront

Part I | Part II

Masque Luba Cifwebe
Masque Luba Cifwebe

[Conjugation] Futur Tense I

In this lesson, we will study future tense. For that, we’ll use some verbs that we’ve seen before:

être/to be
boire/to drink
manger/to eat
dormir/to sleep
je serai
I will eat
tu seras
you will be
il/elle/on sera
she/he will be
nous serons
We will be
vous serez
you will be
ils/elles seront
they will be
je boirai
I will drink
tu boiras
you will drink
il/elle/on boira
she/he will drink
nous boirons
we will drink
vous boirez
you will drink
ils/elles boiront
they will drink
je mangerai
I will eat
tu mangeras
you will eat
il/elle/on mangera
She/he will eat
nous mangerons
nous will eat
vous mangerez
you will eat
ils/elles mangeront
they will eat
je dormirai
I will sleep
tu dormiras
you will sleep
il/elle/on dormira
She/he will sleep
nous dormirons
we will sleep
vous dormirez
you will sleep
ils/elles dormiront
they will sleep
Masque Luba Cifwebe
Masque Luba Cifwebe

See how the verb is built:

KU – IKALE = kwikale

‘KU’ marks the infinitive form of the verb and ‘IKALE’ is the verb stem. When you contract them, the ‘u’ transform into ‘w’.

* NE + NG + IKALE = nengikale

NE marks the future tense of the verb, ‘NG’ is the 1st person pronoun and ‘IKALE’ is the verb stem

It is the same process for the rest

* NE + WU + IKALE = newikale

The ‘u’ in ‘wu’ is dropped because of the contraction.

* NE + À = IKALE = neìkale

Same contraction here but we keep the accent that marks the 3rd person of singular.

* NE + TU + IKALE = netwikale

* NE + NU + IKALE = nenwikale

* NE + BA + IKALE = nebikale

You note in red the pronouns from 1st person of singular to 3rd person of plural that we saw in previous lessons:

ng, wu, ù/à, tu, nu, ba (‘ng’ is another form for ‘nyi’ or ‘n’ that marks the first person of singular).

See, if you understand how the verb is constructed you can easily find and/or remember a specific conjugation. Try to find the construction of the other verbs on your own. You’ll see how easy it is.

Part II | Part III

[Conjugation] Present Tense III

Here are four new verbs to study…

aller/to go
danser/to dance
acheter/to buy
vendre/to sell
ndi nya
je vais
udi uya
tu vas
ùdi ùya
il/elle/on va
tudi tuya
nous allons
nudi nuya
vous allez
badi baya
ils/elles vont
ndi jà
je danse
udi ujà
tu danses
ùdi ùjà
il/elle/on danse
tudi tujà
nous dansons
nudi nujà
vous dansez
badi bajà
ils/elles dansent
ndi sùmba
udi usùmba
tu achètes
ùdi ùsùmba
il/elle/on achète
tudi tusùmba
nous achetons
nudi nusùmba
vous achetez
badi basùmba
ils/elles achètent
ndi mpàànyisha
je vends
udi upàànyisha
tu vends
ùdi upàànyisha
il/elle/on vend
tudi tupàànyisha
nous vendons
nudi nupàànyisha
vous vendez
badi bapàànyisha
ils/elles vendent

Part I | Part IIPowerFigureLubaKusu


[Conjugation] Present Tense II

Here’s a new selection of verbs conjugated at the present tense

donner/to give
prendre/to take
faire/to make
mourir/to die
ndi pèèsha
je donne
udi upèèsha
tu donnes
ùdi ùpèèsha
il/elle/on donne
tudi tupèèsha
nous donnons
nudi nupèèsha
vous donnez
badi bapèèsha
ils/elles donnent
ndi ngangata
je prends
udi wangata
tu prends
udi wangata
il/elle/on prend
tudi twangata
nous prennons
nudi nwangata
vous prennez
badi bangata
ils/elles prennent
ndi ngenza
je fais
udi wenza
tu fais
ùdi wenza
il/elle/on fait
tudi twenza
nous faisons
nudi nwenza
vous faites
badi benza
ils/elles font
ndi nfwà
je meurs
udi ufwà
tu meurs
ùdi ùfwà
il/elle/on meurt
tudi tufwà
nous mourons
nudi nufwà
vous mourez
badi bafwà
ils/elles meurent

Part I | Part III


[Conjugation] Present Tense I

In this post, we’re gonna see how to conjugate in Ciluba. I chose here a few common verbs.

être/to be
boire/to drink
manger/to eat
dormir/to sleep
je suis
tu es
il/elle/on est
nous sommes
vous êtes
ils/elles sont
ndi nwà
je bois
udi unwà
tu bois
ùdi unwà
il/elle/on boit
tudi tunwà
nous buvons
nudi nunwà
vous buvez
badi badwà
ils/elles boivent
ndi ndyà
je mange
udi udyà
tu manges
ùdi udyà
il/elle/on mange
tudi tudyà
nous mangeons
nudi nudyà
vous mangez
badi badyà
ils/elles mangent
ndi ndààla
je dors
udi ulààla
tu dors
ùdi ulààla
il/elle/on dort
tudi tulààla
nous dormons
nudi nulààla
vous dormez
badi balààla
ils/elles dorment

I am not gonna show the verb “to have” as it is the same as “to be”. In Ciluba, “to have” is translated as “to be with”, therefore, all you have to do is add the preposition “with”  or “nè” in Ciluba to transform “to be”, kwikala, into “to have”, kwikala ne.

Mema ndi mukaji: I am a woman
Ndi nè mukanda: I have a book
Ndi nè mutu: I have a headache

Power Figure Luba
Power Figure Luba

As a general rule, when you have the infinitive form of a verb, for examples kudyà, kunwà, all you have to do to conjugate it is to drop the infinitive prefix ku- and keep the verb stem -dyà, -nwà, then add the personal pronoun according to want you want to say:

n- => ndi = I (am)
u- => udi = you (are)
u- => ùdi = she/he (is)
tu- => tudi = we (are)
nu- => nudi = you (are)
ba- => badi = they (are)

Of course, it wouldn’t be fun if there wasn’t any exceptions. Kwikala is one (it is a special verb that is also used as auxiliary and its conjugated form is also used as personal pronouns). We’ll check them out as we go. Note that in the dictionaries you will often find the verb stem as the entry. It makes sense, I believe, otherwise there would be thousands of words under “ku-” and nothing in the other sections… 🙂

N.B.: verbs of which stem starts with L transform NL into ND at the first person of singular, to ease pronunciation.

-lààla -> ndi ndààla -> I sleep
-lela -> ndi ndela -> I give birth
-lekela -> ndi ndekela -> I leave

Check out the second part

Post a comment if you have any question…

Part II | Part III