Prison Training in Bukavu, DR Congo, April 2014



On Tuesday 8th April 2014, the first prison training in the DR Congo was held in Bukavu. The training was held in Nguba, a street close to the Bukavu central prison and seven people attended including the two senior chaplains of the prison. The training was held in Nguba because the prison meeting room was not available, and it was difficult for a foreign person (Jean Claude Ngiyimbere from Alpha Burundi) to enter the prison. Praise the Lord the objective was achieved and all the key people who will introduce Alpha in prison received the training and with a low cost.

Before the training started, people introduced themselves to one another, as it was the first time to meet. Jean Claude, the Burundi Alpha National Director, conducted the training and was assisted by Ali Bitenga and other Congolese volunteers who had been trained in the Alpha Burundi office in…

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